Monday, 7 July 2014

Getting started

I've just had the second meeting with two of my student researchers. We went over the 'Do's and Don'ts' of interviewing students given in Flutter and Rudduck (2004) and then revised the interview questions. It was interesting to hear their thoughts on the questions, and how they sought to clarify what it was I was asking in each instance. I wasn't aware that some of the questions were perhaps unclear. So far, we've come up with the following ten questions for our pilot-before-the-pilot:

  1. When was the last time you got feedback in English? What was the feedback? Can you give examples? How useful was it?
  2. What do you find useful when getting feedback from your teacher? (Why?)
  3. What don’t you like when getting feedback from your teacher? (Why?)
  4. What do you usually do with the teacher feedback? How often do you get the opportunity to work with your targets?
  5. What usually happens when you get feedback in English? How is feedback followed up?
  6. How do you do peer assessment?
  7. Do you self-assess your own work in English? How do you do this?
  8. Are there times when you don’t get feedback, but you’d like to?
  9. How are you told about moving from one level to the next?
  10. Do you know what your teacher looks for when assessing your work?
These questions were adapted from those used by Gamlem and Smith (2013). I may choose to use similar questions for my thesis, but at this stage I'm not 100% sure. I think I will try and create a new set of questions in consultation with my student researchers next (school) year, depending on what they say.

I've arranged for the students to conduct their interview on Friday, so more to come later.

Flutter, J.  & Rudduck, J. (2004) Consulting Pupils: What's in it for schools. RoutledgeFalmer.

Gamlen, S.M., & Smith, K. (2013) Student perceptions of classroom feedback. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 20(2), 150-169

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